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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is Bey Stealin Songs Again?

Beyonce’s new song “If I Were a Boy” was written by an artist named BC Jean. BC wrote and recorded the song, but her record deal fell apart. After that, her producer (without telling her) shopped the song around. The next time she heard the song Beyonce was singing it. Meanwhile Papa Knowles is trying to put the squeeze on BC to sign away her publishing rights so that Beyonce can get writing credits.
Supposedly the situation has been settled but BC isn’t legally allowed to discuss terms of the agreement. Click here to listen to BC's version.
1. I hope BC got a boat load of dough.
2. It’s ok if she signs away her rights, we all know the truth now.
3. I hate how them Knowles folks is always taking credit for other peoples work.
4. I like BC’s version better. So there!!!

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