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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Oprah is Sued for Defamation

Nomvuyo Mxamane, who was leading Oprah’s South African Leadership Academy for Girls, is suing Oprah for defamation.
The civil suit claims Winfrey "launched what amounted to a defamatory campaign" against Mzamane late last year by implying that Mzamane is "untrustworthy, failed the students of the academy, did not care about the students at the academy, knew of alleged physical and sexual abuse at the academy and participated in a cover-up of the alleged abuse." These comments were made after a dorm matron at the school was charged with assault and sexual abuse. Source
Oprah’s not having such a good year. Her magazine is struggling. Her mom’s in court over unpaid credit bills. Her school is slowly crumbling under bad management. She’s being sued. Wait, actually I take all that back. She’s worth almost $3 billion. Ain’t a damn thing rough for her.

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