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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Foxy Got the Star Treatment in Jail

According to the NY Post, Foxy Brown got the star treatment while she was locked up for assault at Riker’s Island.
"City prison officials acted like an entourage of fawning valets for rapper Foxy Brown when she was locked up on Rikers Island, hanging out in her cell, bringing meals and makeup, giving her unlimited TV and phone use, and toting her bags when she was released last April," the paper's report read.
Supposedly the proson’s rabbi, Leib Glanz, and his boss Imam Umar Abdul-Jalil, were the ones going to bat for her every time she wanted something.
"Umar would call the warden, and the warden at the time would comply," one insider said.
"They were in her cell day and night," a department supervisor added. "Whatever she wanted, Sister Aisha would talk to warden [Michelle] Mack and get it."
The NY Dept. of Corrections released a statement, saying Foxy's treatment was "within normal guidelines."
"Inmates were entitled to wear their own clothing. That's her choice," Correction spokesman Stephen Morello said. Source
Makes no damn sense. So this is what taxpayers money is going to?

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