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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Lily Allen and Elton John Have a Cat Fight

Lily and Elton were in attendance at the GQ Man of the Year Awards when the two had a war of words. Lily got up on stage during and began to say ‘…and now the most important part of the night’, Elton chipped in ‘What? Are you going to have another drink?’
So she said, ‘F*** off Elton. I am 40 years younger than you and have my whole life ahead of me!’ to a stunned audience.
Elton retorted, ‘I could still snort you under the table’.
To which she replied: ‘F*** off. I don’t know what you are talking about.’ Source
I love you Lily but you’re a hot mess. Leave it to an old queen to put you in your place. ‘Snort you under the table’, HA!

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