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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ashlee's Upset About Baby Weight

Ashlee went out ad bought 6 pairs of size 9 jeans after a doctor’s appointment where she found out that she was gaining more than the recommended weight for a single pregnancy. A source told The National Enquirer magazine: “Ashlee broke down in tears at a doctor’s appointment in early August when she found out she’s gained more weight than is considered in the healthy range. She went straight to the Planet Blue shop in Los Angeles and bought six pairs of size zero jeans. She can’t wear them now, but she hopes it will give her the incentive to watch what she eats.” Source I’ll let this one slide since being pregnant makes you crazy but she needs to realize this is the only time you can be big as a house and no one is allowed to talk ish about you. I say, “Eat up!”

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