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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Bianca Golden Finally Opens Up

Model Bianca Golden is finally telling her side of the story about the fight that happened between her family and the family of actress Nikki Blonski.
She says, When they arrived at the airport, "Nikki Blonsky ... was very rude to my aunt. My aunt had two babies in her arms, and she told my aunt, 'You can leave. You can go away.' I was really upset by that because my aunt and I are close."
Then Bianca told Nikki, "You need to mind your business. You don't know what's going on."
Bianca’s mom told both ladies to calm down and that’s when Nikki’s dad punched her in the face. Bianca says, "He knocked her out. He hit my mom with such force she stumbled back, and when she stumbled back, the whole family got up and attacked my mom," even kicking Bianca’s mother in the crotch. "That's when my mom fell ... completely," Bianca says. "Both the families were arguing. It was like a scene out of a movie. Airport security finally came and separated everybody." Bianca also claims the Blonsky family was spewing racial epithets at them. "Her father and mother started saying, 'They got rabies, they got rabies!'" Source
Gikt Schnikey! What the hell is wrong with those people?! I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. Oh wait, I’m lyin’. I saw a crackhead and a mailwoman get into a fist fight at the Burger King next to my house. And if it was anything like that then the Blonsky’s are animals!

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