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Thursday, October 02, 2008

TyTy Baby and Rachel Ray

Hosts Tyra Banks and Rachel Ray are teaming up to feed the hungry. They’ll be encouraging fans to bring canned goods that will be donated to City Harvest. Rachel said, "Our country's food pantries are empty, and as Americans we should be ashamed of that, especially as a country with so much wealth. There are epidemic proportions of people going on food stamps. It's literally your neighbor. It could be you," she said. Visit or to get involved.
Awesome cause ladies! I think the wise sage DMX said it best when he said, “Y’all been eatin’ long enough now. Stop bein’ greedy. Just keep it real partner. Give to the needy. Ribs is touchin’ so don’t make me wait. Fu@k around and I’mma bite you and SNATCH the plate.”

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