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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Janet Cancels Show; Ends up in Hospital

Janet was set to perform in Canada on Monday (September 29) but suddenly got ill right before the concert and had to be admitted to the hospital. She was released shortly after but the concert had to be rescheduled. This isn’t the first cancelled show on her Rock Witchu tour. She had to cancel in Detroit due to “production constraints”. No word on what the mysterious illness is but folks are speculating that Janet could be preggers.
I was talking to my mama, Patty Boo, about this the other night (which is strange cus she could care less about celebs). But she happened to be watching the news when the story came on and she says, “I don’t care if she’s pregnant! You don’t go to the hospital cus your pregnant. And just cus you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you don’t have to go to work. I worked. Humph!” I agreed but spend the next ten minutes calming her down. I don’t want her pressure going up any more than it already is.

(Thanks for the info Pabvon!)
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