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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Kim Breaks Down After Getting Voted Off of DWTS

Thankfully the rhythemless Kim Kardashian was voted off of Dancing With the Stars and word is that she was crushed by it. After the vote Kim went backstage and broke down in the arms of her family.
“What can I say… I am obviously sad to go,” Kardashian blogged on her Web site the today, “but I am more sad to not be seeing this amazing cast that really has grown so close together.”
Her partner, Mark Ballas, said:
“It was a tough day for her,” Ballas said, “and we talked about it, and I imagine it will always be a sad day for her. I just hope that her time on the show was magical for her, and, at the end of the day, I will always be so proud that I was the one holding her hand up there.”
The main catalyst of the tears was most likely not so much that she got voted off but more so that it was the 5th anniversary of her fathers death. Source
Well now that actually makes me feel sorry for her. Talk about having a bad day.

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