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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Madge Wants A-Rod's Baby?

Alex Rodriguez, Madonna’s ‘special friend’ is going to move to a NYC penthouse two blocks from her to be close to her. ‘Alex knows that this is a difficult time for Madonna, especially as she has children,’ a source said. ‘So he thought this was the best way to be close to her without being too intrusive. He is completely into her and willing to be patient while she sorts everything out. All he cares about is just being close to her.’
Another rumor is that Madonna, who just turned 50, wants to have a baby with A-Rod.
A friend said: ‘She thinks he’s physically a great specimen. And if she is going to have another child, he would be the ideal man to bring one to her.’ Source
I hope this is just a rumor and not actually true cus it sounds utterly ridiculous. Then again, in the land of Hollyweird anything is possible.

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