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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beyonce Says Gaining Weight is Easier Than Loosing It

Bey says that it was easier preparing for her role in “Cadillac Records” than in “Dreamgirls” because instead of loosing weight she had to gain it.
For “Dreamgirls” she lost 20 or so pounds. But she told “In Style”, "I gained almost 15 pounds to play the role. It was way easier - and tastier - than having to lose so much weight for Dreamgirls." Source
I bet it was. Way to state the obvious Bey.

In More Beyonce News…
Robert Williams Jr. was arrested in Connecticut for reckless driving. When he was stopped, after almost hitting a police car, he said he was on his way to have a date with Beyonce. He had a teddy bear and flowers in his car and even asked cops for directions to Detroit so he could meet up with her. Source
I blame her dangerous jerky movements in most of her videos. It apparently not only can cause epileptic seizures but can make people go mad. Too bad, so sad.

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