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Monday, January 14, 2008

Trapped in the Closet

Glen Rice, formerly of the Miami Heat, was arrested this past Friday on a felony battery charge. The po-po say that Glen showed up at his estranged wife's house and demanded that she tell him the identity of the man she was with and why he was at the home. He eventually found the man, Alberto Perez, in the master bedroom closet and started to rail on him. When he was good and tired he dragged dude out of the bed room by his neck, at which point Alberto fled the scene and called the cops. They threw Glen in the clink but he was out shortly later on $5,000 bond. Source
Just a few questions...
1. Does he have a history of playing the rabid gorilla role or did something happen to send him off the edge?
2. Is this Trapped in the Closet par 47.5? Alberto get out of there!
3. Where were their three kids during all of this?
3. Is it me or does Christina Rice look like she could be a body double for the Meth-head formally known as Stephanie Tanner, Jodi Sweetin?
Maybe it's just the strong jaw and large teeth.

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