The show opens with Ice talking to Prancer about being on the radio. Being from Detroit as well Prancer lets Ice know that she heard her on the radio before entering the house talking about going on the show.

Ice, not realizing Prancer was out to trap her dumb ass continues to big herself up for being a radio personality. (In her interview she also mentions working at Hooters…just thought y’all should know that.)
The girls must split up into teams and create a theme restaurant. They are given $1,000 for supplies and décor. The winning team goes on a date with Flav the next day. The winning manager goes on a date with Flav that night.
Team Rayna: Myammee, Hotlanta, Shy, Prancer, and Bee-Ex

Team Grayvee: Sinceer, Ice, Seezinz, Bunz, Thing 1, and Thing 2

Rayna takes Shy with her to the prop house and Grayvee takes Ice. The ladies are given a cell phone to help them communicate with their home teams. Ice immediately takes the phone and spends most of the time on it talking to her peeps back at the radio station.

While at the prop house Shy sees a reindeer and thinks her and Rayna should get it because Flav loves reindeer so much. Rayna vetoes it and decides to stick with their ‘high class’ theme of Egyptian statues.

As soon as Rayna vetoes the reindeer Ice and Grayvee snatch it up and add it to their Mardi Gras theme.

Flav invites Merrill Schindler, a food critic over to help him judge the competition.

Team Grayvee call their place "Karma’s Steak and Shrimp" and their tagline is “Savor the Flavor”. They picked the name of Karma because one of Flav’s son’s is named Karma. The twins hostess, Seezinz is the waitress, and Bunz is the chef.

Merrill questions the reindeer but Flav loves it.

Merrill also says that the chicken is dry and the gumbo is salty.

Team Rayna calls their place ‘Flavaz’. Both Merrill and Flav feel that the décor is a little two serious and doesn’t have anything to do with Flav. The ladies come out in lingerie and although Merrill and Flav like looking at them they feel that this isn’t a place they could bring their families.

Hotlanta is the hostess and Myammee and Prancer are the waitresses. Myammee keeps bringing out Hennessy for the fellas to drink. The meal, according to Merrill is too heavy and the Cheesecake was brought not made but the Henny is delish!

Flav is particularly upset that the girls spelled his name F-l-a-v-a and not F-l-a-v-o-r. It’s a pet peeve he discussed previously with two members of that team (Hotlanta and Myammee).
Shy is mad about the reindeer. She thinks it would have made a considerable difference. Flav is mad about the name and they all blame Myammee and Hotlanta cus he told them specifically how his name was spelled.
In the end Team Grayvee wins!
Single Date:

Flav takes Grayvee to Tony Roma’s for some ribs and seafood. They chow down on their pork and talk about pig feet.

Flav hates the thought of eating them and Grayvee talks about the diff ways to cook, season, and eat them. In the end they have a lovely date and head back to the mansion.
The next day, phone rings and it’s a dude from the radio station. Prancer goes to get Ice and waits in the shadows to listen to the conversation. Ice is doing interviews from the house phone saying she’s the cool white girl and everyone loves her.

Ice admits in her sidebar that she is on the show cus she’s a radio personality and wants to further her career. She loves black men but is not attracted to Flav.
Group Date: Ice Skating
Flav sets up a lesson with a professional skater Scott Stewart. His flamin’ ass is throwin’ up jazz hands and sashaying in his blue spandex unitard.

(Animated gifs make me squirt!)