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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sam-Ro Isn't Happy With Li-Lo's Spending

Apparently Samantha Ronson is upset at the way Lindz spends her money.
“Lindsay doesn’t want Samantha to see evidence of her frivolous spending,” a pal of the couple tells OK!. “Samantha is pretty conservative with her money, so the fact that Lindsay never seems to look at prices stresses her out. Worse, Lindsay has resorted to hiding her spending from Samantha – not a good thing.”
On the other hand, DJ Samantha earns at least $300,000 a month from her skills on the turntables. “She is super responsible and takes her work very seriously,” says her pal. “She is never late for a gig and is fastidious about her bookkeeping.”
“Samantha loves Lindsay very much, but in recent months, Samantha has been very stressed about the responsibility she feels she has for Lindsay,” the pal explains to OK!. “Lindsay really needs to be honest with Samantha if she wants their relationship to stay on track.” Source
I know they’re not married yet but when you’re in a relationship you need to be honest about your spending habits with your significant other. More importantly you need to be honest with yourself.

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