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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New Music From M.I.A.

M.I.A., nee Mathangi Arulpragasam, has come out of retirement to record a new album. She told Entertainment Weekly, "I stopped touring... and I didn't want to make music again. I was quite happy to just leave it all behind. I was happy with what I had achieved.
"Now, with the success of Paper Planes, there's pull for me to make another record. Even my mum believes in me more. It's a nice encouragement. But I was planning my life as a fishing woman on the outskirts of Cambodia. That's a joke." Source
This makes me very happy. When I heard that she was retiring, I held vigil for a week. Then I had to come out from under my desk cus the cleaning lady told me she was sick of stealing sandwiches from the cafeteria for me.

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