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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Solo Gets Caught Out There

My little sister in my head recently showed herself on national TV when she went off on an anchor because she felt that the interview was turning away from her and towards Jay-Z.
Solo was being interviewed by a Las Vegas anchor woman for Fox 5 affiliate KVVU on Wednesday (August 27, 2008). She was there to promote her album Sol-Angel & the Hadley Street Dreams when she said, as they came back from a commercial break, "I have to say that was not a very professional introduction before. Please don't tie me into family and my brother-in-law's establishment."
"That wasn't live, Solange," the singer's rep told her. She was referring to statements being made by the staff and producers of the news team amongst themselves before going live. Source

Here’s the interview:

And here’s her explanation of what happened:

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